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수면 단계의 판독-9(sleep stage R-3, REM 수면의 지속과 끝에 관한 내용) REM 수면은 어떻게 지속되는 걸 판단하고, 언제 끝나는가?Figure 14. Continuation and of stage R. The EEG is assumed to contain low  amplitude, mixed frequency activity unless otherwise depicted.A.Epoch 50 is definite stage R (rule I.2). Epochs 51 and 52 continue to be scored as stage R as the chin EMG remains low and the EEG does not contain K complexes or sleep spindles. Epoch 53 is scored as stage R as the chin EMG t.. 2025. 3. 8.
수면 단계의 판독-8(sleep stage R-2, REM 수면의 시작) REM 수면의 시작은 어떻게 정의하는가?Figure 12. Start of stage R.A.Transition from definite stage N2 (epoch 50) to definite stage R (epoch 53). The EEG of the majority of epoch 51 and all of epoch 52 has low amplitude, mixed frequency (LAMF) EEG without sleep spindles or K complexes and EMG is at the stage R level. As the epoch 51 and 52 are contiguous with definite stage R (Epoch 53), they are second as stage.. 2025. 3. 4.
수면 단계의 판독-7(sleep stage R-1) Stage R1. Score in accordance with the following definitions;Rapid eye movements (REMs): Eye movements recorded in the EOG derivations consisting of conjugate, irregular, sharply peak eye movements with an initial deflection usually lasting Low chin EMG tone: Baseline EMG activity in the chin derivation no higher than in any other sleep stage and usually at the lowest level of the entire recordi.. 2025. 2. 17.
수면 단계의 판독-6(sleep stage N2, N3) Stage N2 4. Continue to score epochs with low-amplitude, mixed frequency EEG activity without K complexes or sleep spindle as stage N2 if they are preceded by epochs containing either of the following and there is no intervening arousal:a.K complex associated with arousal b.Sleep spindle5. Epohs following an epoch of the stage N3 that do not meet criteria for stage N3 are scored as stage N2 if t.. 2025. 2. 15.
수면 단계의 판독-5(sleep stage N2) Stage N2 1.Score in accordance with the following definitionsK complex: A well delineated, negative, sharp wave immediately followed by a positive component standing out from the background EEG, with total duration ≥0.5 seconds, and usually maximal in amplitude when recorded using frontal derivations. For an arousal to be associated with a K complex, the arousal must either be concurrent with th.. 2025. 2. 13.
수면 단계의 판독-4(sleep stage N1) Stage N1 1. Score in accordance with the following definitions Slow eye movements(SEM): Conjugate, reasonably regular, sinusoidal eye movement with an initial deflection that usually laste >500 msec.  Slow eye movements may be seen during eyes wake and stage N1. Low-amplitude, mixed-frequency (LAMF): Low-amplitude EEG activity that is predominantly 4-7Hz.    Vertex sharp waves (V waves):Sharply .. 2025. 2. 11.